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Neural Engineering

Neural engineering is an emerging discipline that uses engineering techniques to investigate the function and manipulate the behaviour of the central or peripheral nervous systems.

It encapsulates sections of the fields of computational neuroscience, experimental neuroscience, clinical neurology, electrical engineering and signal processing of living neural tissue, robotics, computer engineering, neural tissue engineering, materials science, and nanotechnology.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Neural Engineering


Resources in our database matching the Term Neural Engineering:

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For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The new seventh edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject.

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Vehicle Control with Neural Networks
An excellent, easy-to-follow look at using neural networks to control the movement of AI vehicles (or dragons, or whatever). Includes careful break down of how neural networks work, and carries a gradual learning curve upwards.

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Neural Reader vs Neurostimulator
Neural readers and neurostimulators. You will never encounter two more opposing types of brain prosthesis. It is ironic then, that these two are perhaps the most frequently confused, by the lay-person.

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The First Neural-Jack?
Japanese researchers have created the very first, incredibly crude, neural-jack interface, a distant ancestor of those seen in cyberpunk and the Matrix films, but of the same lineage all the same.

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Large Image Display: Sol Bianca: F-310 Mega-Arms Neural Interface Gun
An in-depth technical look at the neural-controlled weapon in Sol Bianca. How it would actually function, and the basics of how we would go about recreating it in functional form, from technology available today.

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Introduction to Neural Networks
This lengthy article, compiled from a set of slides, gives an excellent overview of neural networks, without delving into too much depth. Excellent for an intro.

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A Modular Framework for Artificial Intelligence Based on Stimulus Response Directives
Neural networks are one of the best techniques available, for modelling a mind. However, they are also processing-intensive, and somewhat uncontrollable at their current technological level. This article concentrates on using directive sets, rather than neural nets, to create realistic, task driven behaviour.

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Book Quotes: Neural Jack Gesture
One of the (hopefully) characteristic human gestures of the not so distant future.


Industry News containing the Term Neural Engineering:

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Conference Dates: August 26 ? 28, 2007
Location: Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA

This NIMH supported conference will provide an intensive dialogue among leading thinkers about the rapidl...

Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough. Now scientists worry that someday, they?ll try to take over your brain.

In the past year, researchers have developed technology that makes it possible to use thoughts to op...

Japanese research group led by Professor Junichi Nabekura in National Institute for Physiological Sciences, NIPS, Japan, found that, after cerebral stroke in one side of the mouse brain, another side of the brain rewires its neural circuits...

Launched in 2013, the US national BRAIN Initiative aims to revolutionize our understanding of cognition by mapping the activity of every neuron in the human brain, revealing how brain circuits interact to create memories, learn new skills, ...

Texas Tech University researchers have developed a way to automatically diagnose epilepsy with an accuracy rate of 94 percent, by training a neural network to recognize the characteristic patterns in EEG data that indicate the patient is ep...